My Last Legit School Break: How I Plan to Spend It

Yes! The semester is finally over and my third year in college has officially ended – or so I thought. Who knows, I might be taking removal exams or complying other requirements in the following days, so, I pondered on some of the stuff I wanna do on the few days I have for myself. No exams, no projects, no requirements, just a few days of pure bliss (until I see the freaking three-letter grade in the grade query HAHA).

You see, this is probably the last legit “school break” I’m gonna have ‘til I get that “Engr.” before my name. Don’t bother asking why, because summer classes -> fourth year -> summer OJT -> graduate -> review -> board exam -> ENGR. ANNA MHARIZE R. TANO 😊 Non-stop aral na mga bes! Hahaha.

So, here goes the list of the things I plan to do with the few days I have before summer classes start (ranked from the most likely, to the least likely to happen):

1) Stay in bed all day, and binge watch movies, series, or cartoons (… or just sleep. LOL :D)

It’s gonna be one hell of a ride facing all the major major problems, I mean subjects, soon enough, struggling to get barely passing grades. So, what’s better than getting as much rest as I can, or spoiling myself with all the good shows as much as I want? Ya feel me?

2) Practice my lettering once more

Probably the last time I practiced my lettering slash faux calligraphy was last year (2016). My penmanship just sucks since I was used to my teeny tiny handwriting, so I might as well just train my hands (LOL) to do some pretty cursive strokes, because God knows when I’ll be able to do it again. Haha! PS: It’s actually an effective past time. Why don’t you try it, too? Warning: Once you start doing it, you might get hooked to it, and get obsessed to buying as much calligraphy/lettering stuff as you want.

3) Discover that one thing that I’m actually good at (if there’s any. HAHA)

It frustrates me thinking that there’s probably not one thing that I’m actually good at. I mean, I can do a few things, but it doesn’t mean that I’m actually good at those things. There’s not a single one that I can consider as my forte. I badly wanna have at least one skill that I can be confident of because I’m sure that it’s that one thing that I’m really good at. Char lang! This could also be an avenue to discover some hidden talent I might have in here. Lol.

4) Go somewhere I haven’t been (and maybe do something I haven’t tried before)

I originally wanted to start a vlog. I planned to go places during this summer break (despite the summer classes) #ParaSaVlog (for the vlog). But I realized that vlogging isn’t really for me. It doesn’t fit an awkward and unattractive person like me, you know. Hahaha. Still, I decided to push through some plans of going to places. This time not for the vlog, but to unwind and somehow free myself from all the stress, and of course to experience new things. After all, life isn’t meant to be lived in just one place! Go on, spoil yourself a little 😉

5) Study in advance (or review)

This one got a low 2% chance of being put into action. I guess I don’t even have to tell you more about it, because this is what almost every student has in their own list of “Things to Do During the School Break”. One of those plans na hanggang drawing lang (plans that will never come to reality).
